Host: Bristol Mathematics Lecturer: Dr Daniel Lawson

Data Science Toolbox

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Students on the MSc Mathematics of Cybersecurity have access to bluecrystal phase 4. The process is as follows:

In Data Science Toolbox, we will be using this primarily for:

Project details:

Getting started

See my HPC notes on Github for code.

There are a couple of gotchas:

Additional thoughts on the HPC

Bluecrystal Keras and Tensorflow

  1. To get a version of anaconda that works with Tensorflow on BlueCrystal Phase4:
    module load languages/anaconda2/5.3.1.tensorflow-1.12

    Or on BluePebble:

    module load lang/python/anaconda/3.9.7-2021.12-tensorflow.2.7.0

    You can add this to your .bashrc file so that this is always loaded for you.

  2. To install tensorflow and all dependencies, we need to make a conda environment for it. Note that you need to do these commands separately as some require interactive confirmation.
    conda init ## Required to make conda happy on the nodes
    conda create -y -n tf-env
    conda activate tf-env
    conda install tensorflow keras ipython pandas scikit-learn
     ## NB By default there is no interactive python!
      ## You can install anything else and it will be placed in the appropriate place by conda
  3. You will then need to write a script that will complete your desired task. However, note that bluecrystal phase 4 or bluepebble are most easily configurable to run Tensorflow GPU jobs.
    • You can do this interactively by using srun -i as noted in my HPC notes; see the GPU Jobs documentation.
    • For an interactive testing environment with one core for one hour:srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --time=01:00:00 --pty bash -i).
    • To request an interactive session with 16 cores for 60 hours: srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=16 --time=60:00:00 --pty bash -i .
    • In my interactive session, the following got things working:
      conda init ## Required to make conda happy on the nodes
      source ~/.bashrc ## Required to load what conda init just did
      conda activate tf-env ## Gets us into our GPU environment
    • I was then able to run ipython interactively on the compute node:
      from keras.models import Sequential
      from keras.layers import Dense
      import numpy as np
      import requests
      url = ''
      r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
      open('', 'wb').write(r.content)
      dataset = np.loadtxt("", delimiter=",")
      X = dataset[:,0:8]
      Y = dataset[:,8]
        # create model
      model = Sequential()
      model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=8, activation='relu'))
      model.add(Dense(8, activation='relu'))
      model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
      model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']), Y, epochs=150, batch_size=10)
    • Remember that to exit this environment you use conda deactivate.
    • You can even configure jupyter notebook to allow you to access it remotely, but this is non-trivial.
  4. Some further thoughts on conda:
    • If you followed the instructions above, the environment content was placed in ~/.conda/envs/tf-env. You can set this manually.
    • We can ensure that we all get the same environment by creating a file that describes it completely.
      conda env export > tf-env.yml
    • This can be passed into conda create using conda create -f tf-env.yml
    • You can easily run the provided python script as a job, which is the recommended way to get large runs done.